
Understanding Accreditation

CAHC’s Accreditation Program is all about value; value that no other accrediting body can give you. Whether your business model is Private Pay, Managed Care or Medicaid, CAHC will guide and mentor you every step toward your accreditation while empowering your staff with distinct competencies to sharpen your competitive edge.
CAHC is proud standing above all others with in-depth knowledge of home health care and States’ governance, legislation, licensing and rules and regulations.
CAHC accredits Companion Services under its Personal Care Services umbrella as well as all varieties of Community-Based Skilled Nursing. The accreditation programs are independent of each other; a provider may seek accreditation for any or all services.

CAHC Accreditation Videos

Why Choose CAHC?

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Why Annual is Best

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Accreditation Process

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Educational Services

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CAHC Welcomes All New Applicants With Open Arms

Whether you are expanding your agency from another state, coming from a different accrediting body, or simply entering the home health care field for the first time, we are here to make this process as streamlined as possible for you. By offering an entire library of form samples and policy templates, accreditation with CAHC could not be easier. We pride ourselves on our annual surveys which provide the most thorough, professional, and instructional accrediting expertise that is out there. Not only does CAHC allow your business to perform exceptionally under our guidance, but also provides the knowledge and supplemental educational opportunities to empower your competitive edge and cultivate your staff as you desire. Call us any time during business hours to get a friendly and readily available staff member to discuss your business opportunities. While you care for others, we’re here to care for you.



Non-medical, basic supervision, and socialization services provided by unlicensed, and non-certifed personnel that do not include hands-on assistance with activities of daily living, and that are provided in the individual’s home.

Services Typically Include:
– Household chores like dishes/daily upkeep
– Shopping
– Banking
– Running errands
– Laundry and Housekeeping – Transportation to appointments & activites


Personal Care

Services centered around activities which many take for granted until illness, age, or an accident make performing them difficult. All provided by state licensed and certified homemaker-home health aides.

Services Typically Include:
– Personal care, bathing, & hygiene
– Grocery shopping, meal planning, preparation, and feeding
– Toileting and elimination – Transfers & Ambulation
– Assistance with therapeutic or exercise regimes
– Respite care

Skilled Nursing

Skilled nursing services are only provided by registered professional nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs). This means the patient’s level of need requires the knowledge and expertise of a licensed nurse, not an aide. Medical services carried out by the RN or LPN must be ordered by a licensed Health Care Provider.
Services Typically Include:
– Wound care
– Diabetic teaching
– Injections & IV Infusions
– Bladder catheterization
– Tube feedings
– Ventilator care

The Application Overview

The application process consists of a review of the application by the Commission staff and the RN Field Nurse Surveyor, interviews with selected agency personnel, and a comprehensive on-site survey. After the survey, a report is presented to our Director of Accreditation who awards accreditation. Accreditation approval is granted for one year. Continued accreditation is contingent on ongoing compliance with the Accreditation Standards. Accredited agencies are monitored annually to assess compliance. To properly prepare the application, you will need to thoroughly review your policies and operations to ensure that they adhere to CAHC Standards.

We Are With You Every Step Of The Way

Get Accredited Today!

Call Now (201) 880-9135