Caring Solutions Home Care – Pamela DelColle RN – Owner/Director of Nursing
"As the owner and Director of Nursing of Caring Solutions Home Care, I wanted my agency to reflect the standards of accreditation. I started the process of researching accrediting organizations over 5 years ago. I found the path to accreditation to be somewhat overwhelming and more than a little intimidating-but then I found CAHC!
I attended a seminar at your campus on the accreditation process and found it to be clear and concise, and, more importantly, I found the staff to be helpful, attentive and patient.
I have been accredited by CAHC since 2015 and have been through multiple site surveys over the last couple of years. The surveyors are professional, helpful and supportive. Kudos to the office staff as well, who are always helpful and efficient.
I would recommend CAHC to any agency looking for a path to accreditation."
